New president of the Chamber says he will promote necessary reforms

02/02/2003 - 18h38

Brasília, February 3, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - When he took office as president of the Chamber of Deputies, yesterday (2), Deputy João Paulo (PT/SP) said that he will promote the reforms that the country requires. For João Paulo, it is urgent to define a timetable for moving the Social Security, tax, and political reform proposals through Congress and making them a priority on the parliamentary agenda. He recalled that the legislators were elected to change the country, and this will be accomplished. The deputy also said that his commitment is not to the amount of change, but the quality of the new laws.

João Paulo affirmed that what President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and the Brazilian society expect from Congress, particularly the Chamber, is dedication, speed, and creativity to put together the most consistent and solid process for redeeming the social debt and reducing the inequalities that humiliate the people and shame the nation.

The new president of the Chamber affirmed that he will treat the Executive Branch with the courtesy, seriousness, and importance it deserves, but in no moment will he yield in the defense of the independence of the Legislature. (DAS)