Lula wants to unite developing nations against cultural oligarchies

29/06/2004 - 23h38

São Paulo, 6/30/2004 (Agência Brasil) - Speaking at the opening of the World Cultural Forum in São Paulo last night, president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva called on developing nations to join the fight against the oligarchies that dominate world culture.

"The production of world culture is dominated by a few, powerful oligarchies. That fact makes it more necessary to set up strategic partnerships which will enable us to face the challenge of finding room for our products and services. And that is one of the most important objectives of this World Cultural Forum," said Lula.

The president went on to say once again that culture is one of his administration's priorities. "Culture and cultural production need to be seen as factors that create jobs and income, while reducing social inequality. They also boost citizenship and sovereignty in the context of globalization. We are very much aware that while expressions of culture mirror our diversity, they are also essential elements in our development as a nation," declared the president. "In this globalized world, the more culture expresses local color, the greater its comparative advantage," he concluded.

(Translator: Allen Bennett)