Public school teachers get special training on the dangers of drugs

10/07/2003 - 19h53

Brasília, 7/11/2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - Five thousand Brazilian public school teachers are going to receive training from the federal government on how to help students avoid the dangers of drugs. The government's objective is to have a heavy-weight ally in the classroom in its fight against drugs. A pilot program is being run jointly by the Ministry of Education and the Office of Institutional Security.

"Teachers nowadays can no longer major in just one subject. They need an additional major in the problems of the world, as well," explains minister of Education, Cristovam Buarque. Among other things, says the minister, teachers have to be able to recognize when a student needs help, especially a student involved with drugs.

In spite of the many problems in public schools in Brazil, the minister says the idea is to extend the training courses to other areas of interest to teachers and students. "What we want to do is improve the quality of Brazilian education. Many other countries have managed to do that. Why can't we? Is Brazil an exception?" asked Buarque. He pointed out that Ireland and South Korea had done it.

Besides the training course, the Office of Institutional Security is also working with universities on the drug problem there. Finally, a contract was signed with the Ministry of Labor for an action plan to reduce the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace. (AB)