Mercosur commission approves unified food certification system

10/07/2003 - 19h49

Brasília, 7/11/2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - This week Mercosur took some steps toward consolidation. The group's Joint Parliamentary Commission (CPC) approved a protocol unifying food certification. In practical terms, that means food certified in Brazil will no longer have to go through the certification process in Argentina, for example.

However, the CPC is just an advisory body which makes recommendations. Its protocol will now be examined by a technical board and then forwarded to the Mercosur Trade Commission or the Council of Ministers for a decision.

The CPC also approved two other protocols. One of them dealing with integration in the educational area, involving recognition of diplomas and schooling within Mercosur, plus Bolivia and Chile. The last protocol is an annex to an economic agreement reached in June 2001 by Mercosur members. (AB)