Embrapa trains agronomists in Petrolina to work in mango and grape orchards

10/05/2003 - 17h51

Recife, May 12, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Embrapa Semi-Arid Center, based in Petrolina, in the interior of the state of Pernambuco, will train agronomists to work in the inspection of mango and grape orchards in the region.

Inspections are a requirement of the Ministry of Agriculture for producers to be able to guarantee a seal of approval for crops harvested on their properties.

Mangos and grapes are the main fruits exported by Brazil. Last year, foreign sales of the two products earned Brazil US$ 78.5 million. Care with the way these fruits are cultivated is part of the federal government's policy to increase the competitiveness of agrobusiness and meet the demands of foreign markets. In the São Francisco River Valley, where Petrolina is located, there are currently 54 firms that produce mangos and 34 that produce grapes.

The inspectors will verify whether the use of chemical products to combat plant diseases are in accordance with the laws, as well as soil management, harvesting, environmentally adequate packing processes, and the ways the orchards are treated to prevent plant diseases. (DAS)