Amazônia will have another 90 thousand square kilometers of protected area by 2006

24/04/2003 - 22h33

Brasília, April 25, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - By 2006, the first phase of the Amazônia Protected Areas Program (ARPA) will create around 90 thousand square kilometers of new protected, restricted-use areas, such as national parks and biological reserves, as well as another 90 thousand square kilometers of new sustainable development areas, such as extractive reserves to facilitate the lives of local communities. The first phase of the program will enlarge the area of protected forest in the Brazilian part of the Amazon region from 4% to 8.4% of the total. The other phases that will complete the program's general objectives are slated for conclusion in 2012.

According to program coordinator Aurélio Vianna, the Arpa will last 10 years, at an overall cost of US$ 395 million. The Brazilian government will contribute US$ 18.1 million. Another US$ 30 million were recently approved by the World Bank's Global Environment Facility (GEF). The World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) announced it will give US$ 11.5 million, and the rest will come from other donors. The Arpa program is open to partners who desire to join in this initiative to protect the Brazilian part of Amazônia. (DAS)