Minister of Culture makes resources available for recuperation of historical patrimony

21/04/2003 - 19h50

Brasília, April 22, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Minister of Culture, Gilberto Gil, announces today the availability of R$ 37.6 million for the recuperation and preservation of the national historical patrimony, through the Monumenta Program. Of this total, R$ 16 million are for privately owned constructions, located in urban historical sites, and R$ 21.6 million are for public buildings. Monumenta, which counts on resources from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), as well as Brazilian government counterpart funds, is currently active in 24 cities throughout Brazil. Its purpose is to recuperate the historical patrimony and integrate it organically into the life of the cities, to guarantee sustainability.

The resources for privately owned constructions (R$ 16 million) are the beginning of a new line of Monumenta investments. The funds will be lent at below-market interest rates, to stimulate private owners to invest in the recuperation of the constructions.

The resources for public buildings (R$ 21.6 million) complement the contracts of 13 cities that already participate in the Program. (DAS)