Brasília, January 14, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Minister of Education, Cristovam Buarque decided to support the implantation of a pilot project to promote digital inclusion in Brazilian schools. The project will be fully developed and financed by the Embratel 21 Institute. Start-up is scheduled for 60 days. Initially, the project will reach 300 educational establishments, at the university, high school, and fundamental (first through eighth grade) levels.
According to Purificación Carpinteiro, Embratel vice-president of Local Services and External Affairs, the objective is to test the efficacy of using various technologies in "a true digital incorporation," so that the project can later be extended to educational establishments throughout the country, with financing from the Fund for the Universalization of Telecommunications Services (FUST).
The Embratel 21 Institute is already engaged in a partnership with the Ministry of Culture, for digital inclusion in public libraries. The Digital Multi-media Library program contains part of the collection of the National Library of Rio de Janeiro, including rare books, and provides an internet access structure at 200 libraries. (DAS)