U.S. trade official opens photo exhibit on September 11 attacks

11/03/2002 - 21h53

Brasilia, 12 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick opened Monday, in Brasilia, the photographic exhibit called "We will Never Forget", which marked the 6 months since the terrorist attacks of September 11. In his speech, Zoellick declared that the fight against terrorism is everyone's fight and will continue for a long time because the terrorist networks are present the world over. He added that Brazil has an important role to play in this sense, due to its vocation as a nation "that unites peoples to fight against ideas of intolerance".

Zoellick also reasserted the historical importance of trade relations between Brazil and the USA, and said that he believes that "Brazil's economic growth will place the nation in a position of distinction in the globalized world." (MW)