Eclac wants to make globalization agenda part of international negotiations

06/05/2002 - 20h36

Brasília, 7 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean (Eclac) is holding its 29th session period with discussions of "Globalization and Development." The goal is to diagnose the effects of globalization and its economic, social and political dimensions, as well as formulate public policies.

According to the Eclac director in Brazil, Renato Baumann, the objective is the financing of global public goods, correction of international asymmetries and a social agenda based on political and civil rights.

Baumann called for the creation of a globalization agenda which meets the interests of Latin America in the areas of migration, for example. The idea is to "include these matters in negotiations concerning the FTAA and the EU," he said. (AB)