NEWS IN ENGLISH - Dilma calls for anti-crisis measures, social programs and a positive agenda for Rio + 20

27/01/2012 10:16

Luana Lourenço      Reporter Agência Brasil

Porto Alegre – This year’s World Social Forum is being called a Thematic Social Forum with the central theme: Crisis of Capitalism, Social and Environmental Justice. The idea dominating the gathering is: We Need to Reinvent the World because that is the only way to achieve sustainable development, protect the environment and respect the rights of different social groups, mainly those who are most vulnerable.

As part of the Forum, which was founded in 2001 in Brazil as a developing nation more-social-than-economic counterpoint to the World Economic Forum in Davos, president Dilma Rousseff, continuing a tradition of attending the event started by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (who did so even before becoming president), participated in a special session called Dialogue Between Civil Society and Governments.

The event, open to the public, took place last night (January 26) in a gymnasium. Dilma responded to concerns by social movements that the Rio + 20 conference (UN Conference on Sustainable Development), was going to become a hollow exercise in futility without a firm commitment to making changes in present development patterns. A majority of participants at the Social Forum are demanding effective results at Rio + 20 [a draft of a document that will be issued at Rio + 20, entitled “The Future We Want,” is considered weak and vague by activists].  Meanwhile, environmental activists also expressed deep concern with Brazil’s new Land Use Law (“Codigo Florestal”), calling on president Dilma for changes in the text and insisting that if Congress does not make changes she should veto it.

 Further discussions at the World Social Forum (“Themática”) included calls to turn cities into facilitator spaces (“espaço facilitador”) instead of a “pile of problems,” in the words of former presidential candidate and minister of Environment, Marina Silva. Speaking before a packed audience at the Rio Grande do Sul Federal University Law School, Silva said the time for grand solutions had passed and that what had to be done now was to concentrate on local solutions. Silva was joined at the conference by renowned members of Brazil’s Left, Leonardo Boff and Frei Betto, both of the Catholic thinkers, and the activist and father of the World Social Forum, Oded Grajew.

One concrete proposal was the “I vote sustainable,” idea that would make candidates for elective office take positions in favor of sustainable policies.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English - content modified

Link - Dilma vai ao Fórum Social defender medidas anticrise, programas sociais e Rio+20

Link - Ambientalistas apresentam no Fórum Social Temático propostas para cidades mais sustentáveis