NEWS IN ENGLISH – Dilma attends inauguration of Cristina Kirchner and meets president of Honduras

12/12/2011 11:12

Newsroom     Agência Brasil   (with BBC Brasil)

Brasilia – This weekend president Dilma Rousseff went to Buenos Aries for the inauguration of Cristina Kirchner who was reelected. While there she met with the president of Honduras, Porfirio Lopes, in a sign that relations between the two nations have now been normalized.

Following the coup in late June, 2009, there was a split in Latin America. Brazil and a number of other Latin American nations refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Lopes election because it took place following a coup that removed an elected president, Manuel Zelaya. The United States and some other Latin American nations immediately recognized the Lopes election after it took place in November 2009 because it was a regularly scheduled election

According to Foreign Minister, Antonio Patriota, “Brazil’s position has always been that with the return of Manuel Zalaya, the deposed president, and the renewal of his political rights, relations between Brazil and Honduras would be reestablished. That has taken place and we are ready to work with the Lopes government.” Patriota went on to say that Brazil is expanding its presence in Central America, including Honduras, with investments in various sectors.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English - content modified

Link - Dilma tem primeira reunião com presidente hondurenho após crise que derrubou Zelaya