Minister discusses end to Russian embargo on Brazilian meat

12/06/2006 - 17h46

Agência Brasil

Brasília - Today (13), in Moscow, Brazil will discuss Russia's resumption of pork and beef imports from Brazil. These imports were partially suspended in December, 2005, in consequence of the discovery of cases of hoof and mouth disease in herds in Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná. At present, the only meat Brazil exports to Russia is produced in Rio Grande do Sul, Tocantins, and Rondônia.

According to information from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply (MAPA), 70% of Brazil's pork exports last year were destined for Russia, which is the world's second largest market for beef and fourth largest for poultry. Russia imported over US$ 8 billion worth of meat from Brazil in 2005.

The minister of Agriculture, Roberto Rodrigues, who is in Moscow, will meet today with his Russian counterpart, Alexey Gordeey, to discuss the termination of the embargo on Brazilian meat.

A MAPA mission to Moscow in January found the country willing to review the embargo. At that time Russian health authorities declared they were "satisfied with the level of information provided by the Brazilian government and promised the resumption of purchases from Brazil, which began in April, when restrictions on imports from Rio Grande do Sul were lifted," the MAPA informs.

According to Célio Porto, MAPA secretary of International Agribusiness Relations, "the Brazilian government has insisted that Russia send a technical mission to Brazil to verify on the spot the measures adopted by the country with respect to hoof and mouth disease."

Prior to his meeting with the Russian minister of Agriculture, Rodrigues will give a talk at the 10th International Economic Forum, in St. Petersburg. The president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is expected to take part in the encounter.

Translation: David Silberstein