Biodiesel will be sold at BR stations throughout the country

12/06/2006 - 19h18

Nielmar de Oliveira
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio - By the end of this year, diesel oil containing a 2% mixture of biodiesel fuel will be sold at BR stations throughout the country. This information was announced by the director of the Petrobras Distributing Company's (BR) Gas Station and Services Network, Reinaldo Bellotti, at a gas station in the western zone of Rio, where the company commemorated its 500th station where biodiesel is sold.

The goal of 500 stations was achieved nearly a month earlier than originally anticipated. Belloti was unable to inform the number of stations that will be operating by the end of the year, when the distributing company will sell diesel oil containing the 2% mixture of biodiesel fuel in the country's 27 states, because he does not know how much biodiesel will be available by then. He guarantees, however, that biodiesel is already a reality and has been well received by consumers.

According to Belloti, the reception on the part of final consumers has been excellent. He assured that the company will give continuity to the plan of introducing biodiesel into the Brazilian matrix of energy sources. In his view, the problems of distribution logistics have been worked out, and the company has a large enough supply to increase the number of stations offering the product.

"We will definitely reach the end of the year offering diesel mixed with biodiesel in every state," he said. "What we must ensure now is that the biodiesel produced in the country will be sufficient for us to make the mixture available in all our network of more than seven thousand stations on January 1, 2008, as the law mandates," Belloti concluded.

Translation: David Silberstein