Eleven diplomats will defend Brazilian interests at COP8

19/03/2006 - 18h36

i>Thaís Brianezi
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Curitiba - Although the full Brazilian delegation to the 8th Conference of the Parties to the Biological Diversity Convention (8ª Conferência das Partes da Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica) (COP8) consists of a total of 160 people, only 11 of them, all diplomats, will participate directly in the negotiations. "Diplomats present the country's position to other countries," explains Brazilian diplomat, Adriana Tescari.

Besides the eleven diplomats, the Brazilian delegation has 76 assistant delegates and 73 observer delegates, says Tescari. The former represent governmental agencies and the latter represent NGOs, the business and academic communities, indigenous groups and others.

"Each country can enroll any number of delegates. There is no limit," explains Tescari, adding that each category of delegates deals with discussions at different levels.

Translation: Allen Bennett