Survey indicates Brazilians are more confident in the economy

26/01/2006 - 8h14

Aécio Amado
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Rio - Brazilian consumers are more confident at the start of this year, according to data from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation's (FGV) Survey of Consumer Expectations. The Consumer Confidence Index, announced today (26), rose from 103.6 points in December, 2005, to 110.5 points in January.

Consumers' assessments of the current situation and forecasts for the next six months were also more favorable. The Current Situation Confidence Index increased from 104.5 to 109.7, and the Expectations Index, from 103.2 to 110.9.

Among the consumers who were polled, confidence in the local economy registered the greatest increase among the items related to present conditions. The portion that regards the current level of the economy as good grew from 12.8% to 14.4%, while the percentage judging it to be bad decreased from 48.2% to 43.5%.

There was also an increase in the percentage of consumers who responded that they are more optimistic about the future prospects of the economy in the city where they live, from 23.5% to 30.8%. The share that believes that the economic situation will worsen dropped from 19.6% to 11.5%.

The Survey of Consumer Expectations is based on a sample of 2000 residences in seven of the country's major capitals. The data for this year's first survey were gathered during the period January 2-20.

Translation: David Silberstein