Minister Rossetto discusses agrarian reform at Social Forum

26/01/2006 - 5h33

Agência Brasil

Brasília - The 6th World Social Forum proceeded today (26) in Caracas, Venezuela, with debates, conferences, and seminars on democracy, neoliberalism, agrarian reform, environment, and human rights. Brazil's minister of Agrarian Development, Miguel Rossetto, spoke at the conference on agrarian reform.

Rossetto discussed the preparations for the 2nd International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, scheduled to take place March 7-10 in Porto Alegre, in southern Brazil. Other participants in the debate were: the Venezuelan minister of Agriculture and Lands, Antonio Albarrán; the representative at the Forum of fishermen and fishing industry workers, Pedro Avendaño; the president of the International Center of Rural and Agricultural Studies (CERAI), Vincent Garcês, from Spain; the director of the Nicaraguan Via Campesina ("Peasant's Way"), Fausto Torrez; the director of the Rural Platform for Land, Oscar Torres, from Chile; and directors of the National Confederation of Agricultural Workers (CONTAG), from Brazil.

Translation: David Silberstein