Bank offers credit line for purchasing of popular computer

07/11/2005 - 11h14

Juliana Andrade
Reporter - Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – The Federal Savings Bank (CEF) started offering this Monday (7) a credit line to finance popular computers. Each equipment will be sold for no more than US$620. The initiative is part of the "Linked Citizen – Computers for All Program," a federal government measure to promote digital inclusion in Brazil. Those interested will have access to a credit line of up to US$530 with a 2% monthly interest rate, to be paid in up to 24 months.

The Ministry of Science and Technology has defined the minimum hardware and software characteristics that popular computers must have: 15" video monitor, keyboard, mouse, CD-ROM drive, 1.44MB diskette drive, 128MB RAM, and fax modem.

Resources come from the Workers' Assistance Fund (FAT).

Translation: Andréa Alves