Mylena Fiori
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - The 12 countries that form the South America Community of Nations resolved to begin preparations for a proposed South American free trade area, but "oriented mainly towards the promotion of improved levels of quality of life, creation of decent jobs, fair distribution of income, and the extension of social benefits to its inhabitants."
This decision is part of the 1st Presidential Declaration of Brasília, the closing statement of the 1st Meeting of Heads of State of the South American Community of Nations. The presidents and heads of government of the Community's member States also pledged to work for the reduction of regional asymmetries, "whenever possible," through complementary arrangements among the South American economies. This theme will be discussed at a meeting set for October 21, in Bolivia.
The declaration underscores political understanding and economic and social integration as the essence of the Community, which was founded in December, 2004, in Cuzco, Peru. The document also expresses the intention to strengthen integration with the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean.
With regard to furthering the work of integration, it was determined that sectorial meetings of ministers will be held to analyze and promote specific projects and policies in the areas of health, education, culture, science and technology, civic safety, energy infrastructure, transportation, communications, and sustainable development.
It was also determined that the Temporary Secretariat of the Community will be exercised by the member countries on a rotating basis of one-year mandates that will terminate at the Meeting of Heads of State. Brazil will exercise the Temporary Secretariat until the 2nd Meeting of Heads of State of the South American Community of Nations, which will be held in Bolivia in 2006.
The meeting was attended by the presidents of Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela, 7 of the 12 countries that form the bloc, and representatives from Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, Guyana, and Surinam.
Translation: David Silberstein