Brasilia hosts seminar on Poverty and Race

27/06/2005 - 6h43

Brasília - The seminar, "Poverty and Race in the XXI Millennium," will begin this afternoon at the National School of Public Administration (Enap). Participating in the event are special secretaries for Women Policies and Racial Equality Policies, the president of Enap, Helena Kerr do Amaral, and the director of the UN Fund for Women (Unifem), Ana Falú.

Following the opening ceremony, Luís Fernando de Lara Resende, a member of the board of directors of the Institute of Social Studies and Applied Economic Research (Ipea), will present a panorama of social problems in Brazil. At the close of the seminar the book "Macroeconomy, Budget and Gender," by Diane Élson, an economist at the University of Essex, will be presented.

Translator: Allen Bennett