On radio program, President Lula talks about inclusion of young people

07/02/2005 - 8h15

Carolina Pimentel
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - Providing opportunities for young people to recover their self-esteem "can't be given a price tag," according to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in his fortnightly radio program, "Breakfast with the President," which was aired on Monday (7).

Lula spoke about the National Program for the Inclusion of Young People (ProJovem), which is aimed at youths in the 18-24 age bracket who didn't conclude their fundamental education, live in capitals, and are unemployed.

The youths will receive accelerated instruction, that is, they will finish the grades they missed in a shorter period than it normally takes. Those who are admitted into the program will also learn a trade. Each student will receive a monthly stipend of US$ 38 (R$ 100). The federal government, in conjunction with municipal governments, should start implanting the program in the 26 state capitals and the Federal District this month. The goal is to reach 200 thousand young people this year.

The President also recalled other governmental initiatives directed at youths, such as the creation of the National Secretariat for Youth and the National Council for Youth.

Translation: David Silberstein