Ministry of Cities invests in urbanization of shantytowns

07/02/2005 - 8h42

Luthianna Hollenbach
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - In the second half of this year, the Ministry of Cities will begin to execute new construction projects as part of the Inhabit Brazil program. 31 new contracts, worth US 119 million (R$ 313 million), will be put in effect for the urbanization of shantytowns ("favelas") in 16 Brazilian states. The infrastructure projects include water treatment, sewage systems, storm drains, paving, public lighting, and housing. 119 municipalities in metropolitan areas and capital cities will participate in the program.

According to Inés da Silva Magalhães, director of Urbanization and Precarious Settlements in the Ministry, the purpose of the project is to prevent the development of new encroachments. "It is important for us to help enable municipalities to deal with the housing issue," she declares.

Translation: David Silberstein