Ministry seeks to improve cattle tracking system

27/08/2004 - 16h53

Rio - The Ministry of Agriculture and cattle ranchers are joining forces in an effort to improve Brazil's cattle tracking system. The present system has been in place since 2002 and ensures a better product in compliance with European market rules. The system makes it possible to trace the origin, sanitation care and feeding of animals from birth to slaughter.

According to Paulo Campani, at the ministry's division of animal inspection, the idea is to create a quality product that will not be subject to embargoes such as occurred in the first half of this year when Russia and Argentina interrupted imports of Brazilian beef due to alleged sanitation problems. With a quality product, says Campani, Brazil can maintain its position as the world's biggest beef exporter.

Campani points out that by law Brazilian slaughterhouses are not obligated to identify the origin of animals, but that they do so because of international standards that the Ministry of Agriculture has introduced.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Cristina Indio do Brasil
Translator: Allen Bennett