Chicago exchange will open office in Paraná

08/06/2004 - 7h43

Curitiba, June 8, 2004 (Agência Brasil) - The chairman of the Chicago Board of Trade, Charles Carey, confirmed yesterday (7) that the Board will open an office in Paraná. The office, which will be located in either the capital, Curitiba, or the port of Paranaguá, will make it possible for agricultural commodities sold on foreign markets - especially grains like soybeans and corn - to be negotiated on the futures market.

"One of the big advantages that the installation of this office will bring to Paraná is the possibility for cooperatives to sell their products in a long time frame," affirmed Governor Roberto Requião, who received the president of the Chicago Board of Trade. "The office will also allow the price of the chief agricultural commodities sold in Latin America to be based on local market values, attracting new business," he concluded.

Between 75 and 100 thousand soybean contracts are negotiated every day on the Chicago Board of Trade. "This volume serves as a risk reference for the world market. I believe that Brazil is now ready to have contracts that can meet its needs directly," Carey affirmed, adding that the expectation is for the office to be installed in the state by the first quarter of next year.

Reporter: Lúcia Nórcio
Translator: David Silberstein