Weekly inflation survey falls for fourth consecutive week

26/05/2003 - 23h11

Rio, 5/26/2003 (Agência Brasil-ABr) - The Weekly Consumer Price Index (IPC-S), which is conducted by the Fundação Getúlio Vargas, and actually measures inflation each week for prior periods of 30 days, for the period from April 18 to May 17, found prices had risen 0.83%, down 0.08 percentage points from the last IPC-S survey. This was the fourth consecutive week the index had fallen. The survey examines prices in seven economic segments. In the latest survey, six of the seven segments had lower prices. The only segment where there were price increases was in Housing - up from 57.06% to 61.99% (the increase blamed on residential electricity bills which rose 7.21%). (AB)