Renata Giraldi Reporter Agência Brasil
Brasilia – Taking advantage of the stopover in Brussels, before she moves on to Turkey and Bulgaria, president Dilma Rousseff will meet with the general secretary of the International Soccer Association (FIFA), Jerome Valcke, to discuss preparations for the 2014 World Soccer Cup. The minister of Sports, Orlando Silva, will also attend the meeting. One thorny question they will certainly talk about is the General Law for the Cup (“A Lei Geral da Copa”) that the administration just sent to Congress for approval. It contains the legal framework, including civil responsibilities, during the 2014 World Cup. But it also has a couple of items that run counter to FIFA demands. The main problem seems to be Brazilian law that makes it mandatory for seniors, above the age of 60, to pay half price; FIFA is upset about that. FIFA is also opposed to the prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages (part of Brazil’s federal laws governing sporting events) and a law also giving students the right to pay half price (which is a state law). Dilma and minister Silva have reportedly told Valcke that those items can still be negotiated. A vote on a final version of World Cup law by Congress is expected by mid 2012.
Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English - content modified
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