NEWS IN ENGLISH – Dilma travels to Europe for extensive schedule of meetings and events

03/10/2011 10:41

Renata Giraldi       Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – President Dilma Rousseff arrived in Brussels yesterday (Sunday, October 2) and will be there until Tuesday, October 4. In Brussels she will met with local officals (the Belguim prime minister, Yves Leterme), along with officials from both the European Council and the European Commission. On Tuesday, she will participate in the 5th Brazil- European Summit and the closing ceremony for the 5th Brazil-Europe Business Forum.

In her contacts with European authorities, Dilma will express concern, on the part of Brazil, with the international crisis. Also at the top of her agenda: getting the free trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union unstuck and back on track; negotiations have been stalled since 2006. Dilma has said she would like an agreement concluded by next year. She has said that a deal would mean more trade and more jobs on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Mercosur – EU free trade negotiations bogged down on market access. France is concerned with beef from Brazil and other European countries are worried about opening their services sector. On the other hand, the Europeans are demanding access to Brazilian markets.


As for the international financial crisis, she will offer cooperation with Europe.

Dilma will also be preparing for the Rio + 20 Conference that will take place between May 28 and June 6, next year. She will insist that Brazil’s main focus will be on sustainable development. The agenda of the Rio gathering concentrates on three main items: environmental protection, sustainable development and green, alternative economic solutions. It is expected that every country in the world will send representatives.

One theme of recent speeches by president Dilma has been that the international crisis was not caused by emerging nations, but by the rich ones. She has referred to the United States and Europe specifically.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English – content modified

Link - Dilma tenta destravar acordo de livre comércio com europeus e vai oferecer ajuda para enfrentar crise