The caretaker strikes back and demands US$8 million in damages

17/04/2006 - 18h05

Roberta Lopes
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília – Wlicio Chaveiro Nascimento, the lawyer for the caretaker Francenildo dos Santos Costa, whose March 14th newspaper interview contradicting earlier public testimony by former miniser of Finance, Antonio Palocci, caused the resignation of Palocci, says he is suing the Caixa Econômica Federal for US$8 million (R$17.5 million) because the banking institution did not protect information about his client's bank account.

In the suit he filed claiming damages, Nascimento says that after the balance sheet of his bank account became public, his client "suffered extreme embarrassment and distress, among other reasons, because everyone now knew he was an illegitimate child." Costa also had his "... individuality and moral image violated," says the lawyer's brief.

Nascimento said the request for damages was based on the known amount that the Caixa was spending on advertising to maintain its corporate image.

Translation: Allen Bennett