Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela will assist Bolivia

19/01/2006 - 16h19

Mylena Fiori
Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – Following a meeting with the presidents of Argentina, Nestor Kirchner, and Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, yesterday in Brasilia, the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, declared that the three countries are preparing an urgent program to assist the new president of Bolivia, Evo Morales. Chavez said he wanted something on paper by Sunday (January 22), in time for Morales' inauguration. Chavez said that, among other things, Bolivia could be given assistance in dealing with the problem of robberies on highways in the form of police or military units from its three neighbors.

Chavez said economic assistance could take the form of loans from state-run development banks. "We consider Evo Morales an important player in the effort to achieve South American integration (união). We want Bolivia in Mercosur. I believe Bolivia will join Mercosur."

Translation: Allen Bennett