Industry in São Paulo eliminates 45 thousand jobs

12/01/2006 - 18h15

Marli Moreira
Reporter - Agência Brasil

São Paulo - The level of industrial employment in São Paulo declined 2.16% in December, 2005, compared with December, 2004. According to a study by the Federation of Industries of the State of São Paulo (FIESP), 45,818 jobs were lost.

Over the course of the year, however, 48,419 jobs were created, a gain of 2.4%. The biggest increase (0.81%) occurred in July, when 16,871 new jobs were created. November was the only month besides December in which the job level declined (-0.36%), as 7,664 jobs were eliminated..

The industrial sectors that fired the highest percentages of workers in 2005 were fertilizer inputs (-5.98%) and footwear (-5.52%). The ones that hired the highest percentages were marble and granite (5.77%), beverages (2.50%), balanced animal rations (2.15%), and watches (0.64%).

According to the study, December, 2005, was the worst month of December in the last five years. December, 2003, was a close second, with the hiring rate falling 2.14%. The best result was obtained in December, 2004, when job offers exceeded dismissals by 7.45%, for a balance of 144,487 new job posts filled.

Translation: David Silberstein