AIDS combat to get bigger budget

05/01/2006 - 10h57

Priscilla Mazenotti
Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília - In 2005, the Ministry of Health had a US$348 million budget for its now world famous AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Disease program (programa DST/Aids) which provides anyone who is HIV positive with free drugs, assistance and guidance. Almost all of that money, US$346 million, was used to buy AIDS drugs, known as retrovirals.

Pedro Chequer, who runs the program, reports that the budget for 2006 will rise to US$430 million, with US$416 million earmarked for drug purchases. The rest of the money is to be used in AIDS prevention campaigns. Chequer also reports that in 2006 the ministry wil be distributing 1.5 billion condoms free of charge. For Carnival this year, some 20 million condoms will be available, which is double what the ministry distributed last year. Chequer also announced that this year condom vending machines will be officially launched and placed around the country with condoms for sale at US$0.57 each.

Chequer said the condom machines reinforce the government's emphasis on prevention in dealing with AIDS. "We are trying to create a solid culture of prevention where the condom is an essential element in sexual relations. If we can do that we can keep this terrible disease under control effectively," he declared.

Translaton: Allen Bennett