Agribusiness exports increased 11% in 2005

05/01/2006 - 22h14

Adriana Franzin
Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – With US$43.6 billion, Brazilian agribusiness exports set a new record in 2005. The result was 11% higher than that of 2004 (US$39.016 billion), according to data released this Thursday (5) by the Secretariat of Agribusiness International Relations (SRI), of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.

According to the Secretariat, the products that contributed the most with the increase in exports were sugar and alcohol (49%), coffee (42%), meat (31%), and paper and cellulose (17%).

For the SRI, the main reason for this result was the high growth in the world economy, which would have caused greater demand for goods and increase in products prices.

Translation: Andréa Alves