São Paulo under attack (III)

14/05/2006 - 17h56

Carolina Pimentel
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - An activist group, the National Movement for Human Rights (Movimento Nacional dos Direitos Humanos) (MNDH) says that the wave of violence that hit the state of São Paulo this weekend is the result of neglect in the areas of social assistance, public security and the courts, along with noncompliance with the country's constitition and penal code.

"The causes are complex and will not be resolved with magic. What is needed is serious, continuous, consistent work in all sectors and the government," says a note from the MNDH. "The present problem in São Paulo must be dealt with by using prudence, responsibility, professionalism, intelligence and, above all, respect for the rights that Brazilian legislation and international rules give to the citizen. Otherwise we will condone barbarism."

The MNDH goes on to say that the prison situation in Brazil will not be improved with harsher rules. "If the laws and rules we have really worked we would not have this problem. If the plans to train the police and improve our prisons were really implanted we would not have this problem. But what we have is impunity and corruption. And that is why the situation is so grave. Impunity and corruption feed organized crime."

Translation: Allen Bennett