Bolivian social movements favor nationalization

01/05/2006 - 20h31

Carolina Pimentel
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília – The decree signed yesterday by the president of Bolívia, Evo Morales, nationalizing the country's oil and gas reserves came after a long period of political upheaval in Bolivia which saw two presidents forced out of office by street protests. Sanchez de Lozada was forced out in October 2003, and his replacement, Carlos Mesa, had to leave in June 2005 after 80 people died in violent demonstations.

Pablo Sólon, the director of the Sólon Foundation, a Bolivian NGO which was involved in the protests and demonstrations, says that the nationalization of oil and gas reserves is something that the country's social movements unanimously approve.

As for relations with Petrobras, Brazil's state-run oil company that is a major player in the Bolivian energy sector, Solón says it is welcome as long as it complies with the [nationalization] decree. "We want Bolivia and Petrobras to be partners. However, Bolivia will not accept being an employee of Petrobras," he declared.

Translation: Allen Bennett