Mayor's March to Brasilia begins tomorrow

23/04/2006 - 16h47

Irene Lôbo
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília – Tomorrow, April 25, the 9th March to Brasilia in Defense of Municipalities (9ª Marcha a Brasília em Defesa dos Municípios) will open meetings at the Blue Tree Convention Center here in the city. The event's theme this year is "Municipalities United Rebuilding a Federative Pact based on Solidarity" ("Os municípios unidos reconstruindo um pacto federativo solidário"). This year the National Confederation of Municipalities (Confederação Nacional dos Municípios) (CNM) expects to bring together 3,000 mayors from all over the country.

The mayors will be demanding a greater share of funds that finance health and education, and assistance in dealing with their debts.

On the last day of the event, Thursday, April 27, presidential candidates will address the gathering.

Translation: Allen Bennett