Fewer murders in Brazilian countryside in 2006

18/04/2006 - 15h37

Keite Camacho
Reporter - Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – During the first quarter of this year, the Land Pastoral Commission (CPT) registered three murders in rural areas, against 13 in the same period of last year. CPT National Secretary, Antonio Canuto, considers the current situation "much better." Canuto spoke during the launching ceremony of the book Conflicts in the Countryside - Brazil 2005 (Conflitos no Campo – Brasil 2005), at the headquarters of the Brazilian National Bishops' Council (CNBB).

He said that, during the same period, the number of persons participating in land occupations went up. "Last year, there were 10 thousand people in the occupations, and this year, there are already 16 thousand. This means that people are still fighting for land reform and are using the tools they have. Occupation is the only way they have to make themselves heard."

Translation: Andréa Alves