Battle of the Budget (2): opposition questions use of temporary measures

17/04/2006 - 17h36

Brasília, 4/18/2006 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The leader of the PSDB in the Senate, Arthur Virgílio (AM), reports that his party will file a suit in court questioning the legality of the use of temporary measures (medidas provisórias) (MPs) permitting the government access to monies in the 2006 budget (Orçamento da União de 2006) which has still not been approved by Congress.

"There's no way we can agree with these MPs. They are equivalent to morally closing down the legislative branch of government. If we still do not have a budget, how can the government make withdrawals for spending purposes? The only thing we have at the moment is a draft bill that has not been approved by the Congress," said Virgilio.

The opposition, led by Virgilio, is up in arms because the government has emitted an MP releasing R$1.7 billion, and announced that another MP releasing an additional R$24.4 billion is in the pipeline.

Translation: Allen Bennett