Battle of the budget (1): spending by decree and attempting to get a vote

17/04/2006 - 17h33

Ana Paula Marra
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília – Last Wednesday (April 12), with its 2006 budget still bogged down in Congress and little propects for a quick vote on it, the government emitted a temporary measure (Medida Provisorio) (MP) releasing R$1.7 billion for spending. And announced that the Ministry of Planning would emit another temprorary measure releasing an additional R$24.4 billion for further spending.

The government's vice leader in the Congress, senator Romero Jucá (PMDB-RR), says that the Palácio do Planalto is doing everything it can to bring its 2006 budget bill to a vote. But, says Juca, if a budget is not approved the government reserves the right to use temporary measures to keep the country running.

"The government refuses to be paralyzed because of the delay in voting the budget. If there is an urgent need it will not hesitate to emit more temporary measures," declared Juca, who steered the government's 2005 budget through Congress (he was the "redactor" of the budget). The delay has meant that for the last four months the government has not been able to make investments and create new jobs, said the senator. "This is a case where temporary measures are a technical solution that makes it possible for the country to grow and move ahead," Juca concluded.

Translation: Allen Bennett