Brazil and Honduras want to intensify relations

03/04/2006 - 21h04

Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, during a meeting with Honduran President José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, this Monday (3), expressed Brazilian interest in intensifying trade relations with Honduras, as well as diversifying relations with Central America and the Caribbean. Lula specially cited Brazilian willingness to continue cooperation and knowledge transfer in the area of biofuel, particularly ethanol.

Zelaya agreed with Lula and talked about a possible cooperation also in AIDS prevention and control initiatives. Honduras President also suggested intensification of oil exploration projects, through the Brazilian oil company, Petrobras, as well as projects in the areas of defense and sports.

Lula suggested that all subjects discussed during the meeting become part of a future agenda between the two countries.

Translation: Andréa Alves