The nepotism decision and its ramifications

16/02/2006 - 22h18

Brasília - The president of the Association of Labor Court Judges (Associação Nacional dos Magistrados da Justiça Trabalhista) (Anamatra), José Nilton Pandelot, praised the ruling by the Supreme Court against nepotism, pointing out that it consolidates the authority of the National Justice Council (Conselho Nacional de Justiça) (CNJ) as a Judiciary branch administrative agency [the suit against nepotism in the Judiciary branch that the Supreme Court accepted by a vote of 9 to 1 yesterday was brought by the CNJ].

Pandelot went on to say that he intends to join forces with the Brazilian Judges Association (Associação dos Magistrados Brasileiros) (AMB) and sponsor a bill for a constitutional amendment that will eliminate nepotism in all branches of government.

Translation: Allen Bennett