Supreme Court to rule on nepotism

16/02/2006 - 4h58

Brasília - As a result of a great effort, nepotism in the Brazilian government has been reduced over the last two decades. But it still exists. While it has been cut down, especially in the executive branch, nepotism remains rife in the judiciary branch.

On February 2, the Association of Brazilian Judges (Associação dos Magistrados Brasileiros)(AMB) brought a suit before the Supreme Court (Ação Declaratória de Constitucionalidade 12) (ADC 12) requesting a ruling on a resolution by the new National Justice Council (Conselho Nacional de Justiça) (CNJ), a judiciary branch watchdog agency, questioning the validity of administrative acts by the judiciary branch and calling for the prohibition of nepotism based on the constitution.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to decide the issue today.

Translation: Allen Bennett