Revenue agency seizes US$ 283 million in contraband goods

16/02/2006 - 19h13

Edla Lula
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - In 2005 the Federal Revenue agency's activities to combat contraband and piracy resulted in seizures totaling US$ 283 million in illegal merchandise, a record amount, according to the deputy secretary of the agency, Clecy Lionço. The value of the confiscated merchandise was 32% greater than in the previous year, raising the total from US$ 849 million to US$ 1.1 billion.

According to the agency's balance sheet, the volume of cigarettes seized increased 24% in comparison with 2004, from 65 million to 86 million packs. The quantity of pirated CDs and DVDs seized in 2005 amounted to 2.5 million units.

The number of lawsuits against individuals suspected of involvement in illegal customs activities rose 19.6%, from 6,905 in 2004 to 8,262 in 2005. There were also suits to close 111 firms suspected of fraud in foreign trade transactions.

Since 2002, when the Federal Revenue agency launched a program to combat firms that serve as international trade fronts, 947 companies have been shut. 2,093 vehicles involved in some way with illegal activities have been confiscated. They are estimated to be worth US$ 18.8 million.

In Lionço's view, last year's positive results were due to the strengthening of the agency's structure to combat contraband and pirated products, chiefly those coming from Paraguay and Asian countries.

Translation: David Silberstein