Digital TV format discussion goes to Congress

08/02/2006 - 15h19

Marcela Rebelo and Keite Camacho
Repórters - Agência Brasil

Brasília – The discussion on what digital TV format to use in Brazil continues. Radio and TV broadcasters have publically come out in favor of the Japanese format, claiming that they have reached a consensus."The Japanese format is favored by the majority of networks and content producers in Brazil," declares Jose Inacio Pizani, the president of the broadcasters association (Associação Brasileira das Emissoras de Rádio e Televisão) (Abert).

However, in other areas of Brazilian society there is no consensus. During hearings yesterday in the Chamber of Deputies, there was strong support for the development of a Brazilan format.

Adonias Costa Silveira, of the Telecommunications Institute (Fundação Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações) (Finatel), who heads one of the 20 consortiums created to study digital formats, says there should not be a rush to define the format for Brazil. He points out that the country already produces setop boxes, which transform analog signals into digital signals and exports them to the US and Europe.

Deputy Jandira Feghali (PCdoB-RJ) came out against the Japanese format, saying that because it was expensive some broadcasters could find it difficult to use.

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Aldo Rebelo (PCdoB-SP) declared that hearings and discussions on the issue will continue.

Translation: Allen Bennett