Industrial job creation is greatest in the interior

12/01/2006 - 13h15

Ivan Richard
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - In the past five years, more industrial jobs have been created in the interior of the country than in the capitals. 75.99% of industrial job openings during this period were in municipalities outside the major metropolitan areas. These data are from the study, Industrial Job Creation in the Capitals and Interior of Brazil, commissioned by the National Industrial Apprenticeship Service (SENAI) and released yesterday (12) in Brasília.

The coordinator of the study, João Luiz Saboia, believes that the appearance of these job opportunities outside the traditional metropolitan areas is very positive.

"The Brazilian economy is highly concentrated in a small number of regions and in the capitals. This tendency for industry, the economy, and employment to migrate to the interior is very positive, because conditions are being created for the development of the country's interior, even more so in light of the fact that Brazil's territory is vast and there are regions that are empty," Saboia considered.

The study is based on data from the General Registry of Employment and Unemployment (CAGED) and the Annual Report of Social Information (RAIS), both published by the Ministry of Labor to analyze job creation in all economic sectors, such as mining, manufacturing, public utility industries, and construction.

Translation: David Silberstein