BB bestows 68 thousand computers on schools

02/04/2004 - 19h20

Brasília, April 5, 2004 (Agência Brasil) - Of the 100 thousand computers extant in the Bank of Brazil (BB), slightly over 58 thousand will be donated to nearly 1.1 thousand public institutions, such as schools, research centers, and legal organizations.

According to data from the BB's Technology department, 28 thousand computers are already being distributed to low income communities, family farmers, and organizations linked to the federal government. "With this we want to promote effective digital inclusion," said the bank's general director of Technology, José Francisco Álvares Raya.

Raya informed that the need to modernize its technological park obliged the bank to get rid of equipment that is considered outdated. The equipment, which is in good working condition, comes with network interface cards and fax modems, providing access to the Internet.

Translator: David Silberstein