Brazil moves to control Asian rust plague which attacks soybean crops

08/02/2004 - 18h01

Brasília - Soybean farmers and technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture are trying to find a way to halt the advance of what is known as Asian rust, which attacks soybean crops. The plague attacks both conventional and genetically-modified soybean plants by destroying the leaves.

Recent heavy rainfall throughout most of the country have made it even more difficult to prevent and combat the plague.

The states where Asian rust is most present are: Goiás, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and Paraná. The disease is also present in some parts of Rio Grande do Sul.

At the moment, there are other problems. First, in order to combat the plague, crops must be sprayed with fungicide. But the spraying must be done carefully so as to ensure that with the cost of protecting the crop added to other costs, the crop remains economically viable. Second, a lot of fungicide is going to be needed and there are worries about a fungicide shortfall.

The Ministry of Agriculture is working together with its Brazilian Farm Research Corporation (Embrapa) to keep farmers informed and up to date with the best available information. (AB)