Brasilia, 22 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The deficit in running accounts (Brazilian trade and service operations abroad) dropped by more than half in January 2002 in comparison to January 2001. According to a Central Bank statement released yesterday (21), this January's deficit totaled US$ 1.144 billion, compared to US$ 2.307 billion in the first month of last year.
The Central Bank credits this good performance to the reversal of a trade deficit of US$ 478 million in January of 2001 to a surplus of US$ 175 million in January of this year, and to a US$ 514 million reduction in spending with services and income.
The balance of payments (result of all of the nation's transactions overseas) recorded a surplus of US$ 506 million in January. In this same period last year, a positive balance of US$ 2.576 billion was achieved. (MW)