Brasilia, 22 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - Brasilia will host next Monday and Tuesday the 2nd Meeting of the 'Brazil-Cuba Permanent Mechanism of Information and Political Consultation', which will give continuity to the first meeting, held in Havana on March 15, 2001.
The Cuban delegation will be headed by the deputy minister of Foreign Relations for Latin America and Caribbean and of Cooperation, Pedro Núñez Mosquera, who will meet with the general secretary of Foreign Relations at the Brazilian Ministry, ambassador Osmar Chohfi; the undersecretary for Bilateral Political Matters, ambassador Gilberto Sabóia; and the undersecretary for Multilateral Political Matters, ambassador Luiz Augusto de Araújo Castro. Several topics on the bilateral, regional and multilateral agendas will be addressed at the meeting. (MW)