Agreement to reduce import dues between Brazil and Chile

18/03/2002 - 21h39

Santiago, 19 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - President Fernando Henrique Cardoso reiterated Monday - at a banquet offered by the president of Chile, Ricardo Lagos, at the Museum of Modern Art of Chile, in Santiago - the importance of the accord firmed between the two countries to reduce import dues and implement quotas to facilitate bilateral trade. "I'm certain that the private sector and governments of both countries will know how to pursue the benefits of this initiative for the integration of South America with the world," he said.

In his speech, Cardoso reminded that he once lived in Chile and that he established ties of friendship with the country, as did several members of his cabinet. "I often say that my cabinet was, and is, made up of Chilean ministers, public men who, like me, lived in Chile", he declared. Education Minister Paulo Renato Souza and former Health Minister Jose Serra were also exiled in Chile during the military dictatorship. (MW)