NEWS IN ENGLISH – Brazil will become center of world attention during Rio+20

12/06/2012 09:19

Renata Giraldi         Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília -  The Rio+20 United Nations Sustainable Development Conference begins officially tomorrow, on June 13, and runs until June 22. Heads of state and government will participate between June 20 and June 22.

During that period the eyes of the world will be on Rio de Janeiro and Brazil intends to present itself as an international reference when it comes to defending the environment, sustainable development and social inclusion. Brazil considers it essential to connect the discussion on sustainability to the need to eradicate poverty. And Brazilian authorities will insist that Rio+20 define measures to advance the fight against poverty and hunger through multilateralism and the UN millennium goals.

As the host nation of Rio+20, Brazil will highlight its social assistance programs that have resulted in income transfer and redistribution.

Specialists point out that the conference must recognize the need for programs and action plans that accept the different realities in different countries at different stages of development.

A special effort will made at Rio+20 to strengthen instruments created at Rio92, such as the United Nations Environment Program (“Pnuma”) and the Sustainable Development Commission (“CDS”), through reforms and with more financial resources. These efforts will be part of institutional structural changes with the objective of promoting joint international action in favor of economic growth and development, social welfare and environment protection. 

Rio+20 events will take place in various locations in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Politicians will meet at the Riocentro in the Barra da Tijuca. Specialists, researchers and civil society organizations will hold gatherings at the Parque de Flamengo, the Museum of Modern Art, the Copacabana Fort and the Parque dos Atletas (the latter a villa built for the Pan American games).

Allen  Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Brasil será foco mundial durante a Rio+20